Big Data

IBM coined the word called Big Data characterized by the volume and velocity of the data being created in the Universe.  It has become a buzz word since then. Many reports have been published that Big data is next big thing and will generate business valued billions of dollars.

Basically in simple words on daily basis large volume of data are being generated by different activities of human being. I will also emphasis that not only activities of humans is generating tera bytes of data but activities of animals, non living things like planets, asteroids, stars etc. In fact non living things are producing volume of data since ancient times only recently we, human have been able to store and generate with advent of internet (one of the big thing of current era).

With arrival of Big data skills sets to manage it, convert it into usable formate is required in the world and  which is actually in great demand these days.

Big data has given opportunities learn many new things. It has challenged brightest human minds to manage and use it efficiently.  I find this term very interesting. I can find daily  a new article in web on it. Recently I read ten big data jobs to make millions of dollars. Ohh Great.


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