Solution for ERROR: Some character data was lost during transcoding in the dataset

When I search for the mentioned error I get the link solution provided administration oriented but developers do not have access. 

Please see my solution below

proc options option=config; run;
proc options group=languagecontrol; run;

/* Show the encoding value for the problematic data set */
%let dsn=item_information_may16;
%let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&dsn,i));
%put &dsn ENCODING is: %sysfunc(attrc(&dsid,encoding));

/*Renaming item desc file  (encoding=any) allowed reading****************************/

data tmp.item_info_curr;
set hc.item_information_may16 (encoding=any);

/*gave error*/
data item_info_curr;
set item_information_may16;


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