
Showing posts from January, 2018

2018 plan for getting expertise in Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Machine Learning and deep learning are next frontier in the world of innovation. These skill sets are high in demand and demand is going to increase further as we are moving towards a world with connected systems. Although I am experienced professional with SAS having multiple SAS certifications and  using SAS for programming, predictive model building, optimization and data visualization for more than seven years, I will be foolish I do not recognize how important it is to adopt open source platforms for innovation.  2018 plan to acquire expertise in these are are 1. Choose a programming language and I have chose python as my language of preference  2. Do hands on practice to be efficient in Pandas and Numpy. These two libraries are useful and very important for data exploration,wrangling and data cleaning. I find Kernals in Kaggle and below blogs and books to be helpful tutorial for  Pandas  a.  b.https://www.d

Interdisciplinary Research

I had heard during my  childhood period that science has no boundaries now I am experiencing it. One of my friend from IITK finished his BE and M Tech in Mechanical and now pursuing PhD from Biology department in one of the best University of USA. Another friend completed his graduation in Electronics and now pursuing PhD in pharmacology. By this blog I would like to share some information on studies and research in Interdisciplinary field being carried out in India especially in IITs. IITs offers many PhD and M Tech programs in  interdisciplinary field. What is interdisciplinary Program. - Interdisciplinary Program can be defined in two ways 1. Any program which is offered jointly by two or more engineering/science departments. It means faculties from different field collaborate and undertake research jointly with common objective. For example in IOER program at IIT Bombay faculties from Electrical, Mechanical,Mathematics and Business School jointly undertake research. MSP, NET

Predicting Life stage of a customer using the retail data

It is desirable for a retailer to have information of the life cycle stage of  a customer. This helps greatly to a retailer in offer optimizations. Targeting right customer with rights offers is greatest challenge for a retailer. They run hundreds of promotions and optimizing it saves huge cost and helps in retaining customers.  In the era of super markets, large retailers issue loyalty cards and maintain customer purchase data. But most of the demographic data is not available with them as customers normally do not fill these fields and leave them blank. Although customer demographic data are not available using purchase data certain life stages of customer can be predicted using rule base techniques or predictive modeling. Life stages bring changes in purchasing pattern. 1.  A single male will mostly buy his needs and daily eatables.  Eating habits gets changed if he is married etc.  A man can occasionally buy woman's product but it will be regular if he is married or in

Game Theory and Team Performance

I had came across this word Game Theory when I was taking course of Operations Research at IIT Kanpur but at that point of time I only gave attention from academic point of view and after having a basic understanding of it I moved on. Almost half a year later I watched Beautiful Mind and got flavor of importance Game Theory in economics and mathematics. Recently I downloaded two lecture notes from University of Penn and MIT and then started going through it. Suddenly I realized that Game Theory can also be applied in team performance when number players may be from 2 to N and number of Games can also be N where N is any positive integer. Any team is good as the members of the team. Performance of individuals, definitely has impact on overall performance of the team. It is given that all the members in a team may not be at same level of experience, knowledge. Their personality may be different.  But, all the members are tied together with a common team goal and the out come is func