
Showing posts from August, 2016

Best program in India for career in Data Science

Data science is one of the  most promising field for bright future.  Various Gartner reports state that most of the organisations are going to invest more strategically to use the power of analytics to drive their business decisions.  Top banks and retailers have been using the data analytics for acquiring new customers, promotional initiatives, product pricing  etc  by setting up centre of excellence in analytics in India. In last 5 years analytics profession has caught lot of attractions in the job market.  Number of institutions in India and outside India have launched academic programs including online and on campus certificate programs. Question is which program is best? I do not know but I can definitely argue that M Tech in IME at IIT Kanpur is an excellent launchpad for career in data science or analytics.There is also another M Tech program at IITB which is among top programs for data science. These are two top programs which are producing talent pool for analytics for ye